Item No. 11.1


Council Report: C 219/2020

Subject: Contracting Out Caretaking Services – Phase II- City Wide


Date to Council: November 23, 2020
Author: Tom Graziano
Senior Manager, Facilities
519-253-2300 (2741)
Report Date: November 6, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AS/12461

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT, in adherence with CR129/2016 regarding Contracting Out of Caretaking Services, this report from the Senior Manager of Facilities BE RECEIVED; and further,

THAT Council PROVIDE DIRECTION regarding Phase II of contracting out of caretaking as described in this report.

Should Council wish to proceed with Phase II of contracting out caretaking, the following recommendations are proposed:

THAT Council AUTHORIZE Administration to enter into an agreement with GDI Services (Canada) LP for Caretaking (Janitorial) Services in the amount of $ 534,139.84 per year plus non-recoverable HST, for a term of three years, with two one-year renewals; and,

THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the agreement, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation, Culture & Corporate Facilities, and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and,

THAT Council APPROVE the elimination of seven (7) Regular Full Time Caretaker positions (Job Code 543085); and,

THAT Council APPROVE one-time transitional funding from the Budget Stabilization Reserve estimated at approximately $141,700 (subject to the actual attrition rate) to maintain one (1) Regular Full Time Caretaker (Job Code 543085) over complement positions to facilitate the continued employment of the Regular Full Time employee affected by the elimination of positions at City Hall campus, by redeploying the employee to perform caretaking duties in other buildings within the Facilities Division portfolio.