Other projects
In addition to the four main pillars of the Action Plan, the government has developed the following projects:
Contact Centres
Make it easier for people to interact with government by ofering more services digitally, such as an online chat window, and improving call centres across the Ontario Public Service.
Real Estate and Capital Assets
Maximize the value of the government’s real estate portfolio to achieve the best value for taxpayer money.
Improve infrastructure planning, using an evidence-based, best-practices approach to inform public infrastructure spending decisions in a coordinated and cost-efective way.
Improve how space is used in government-owned buildings.
Streamline government processes by centralizing the management of government ofce space.
Improve customer experience by reviewing government agencies for efciency and efectiveness, with a focus on providing virtual and online services. Develop support programs and services that are more responsive to the needs of people’s businesses.
Improve infrastructure planning and enable data-driven decision-making using new technologies, including the creation of digital infrastructure replicas and modeling.