4. Regulations and Legislation at our Fingertips
Improve access to the latest policies and regulations by looking at new ways to improve collaboration, ensuring e-data is at the heart of decisions, and making it easier to integrate impacted parties.
5. Talent Management
Bring together talent management processes (source, assess, develop, deploy) with their shared pool of talent expertise, to provide one-window access for clients and employees. This will leverage simple, agile and nimble decision-making to set priorities and allocate resources. It will also lead to more timely talent decisions, more employees with critical business skills and a more qualifed and diverse workforce across the entire Ontario Public Service.
Meet Tanisha
Tanisha does shift work as a medical professional and fnds it difcult to get away to renew her Accessible Parking Permit. When she does fnd the time, she needs the process to be quick and easy. Because of productivity improvements made inside government through the utilization of lean process management, Tanisha is now one of 200 more people every day having their Accessible Parking Permit processed. That means that she is getting the services she needs faster. By reducing lead times and eliminating backlogs, these types of changes often result in a 20 per cent improvement in productivity and better customer service, saving staf time and costs. By using tools like lean to continually pursue improvements across government, more people like Tanisha and the rest of Ontario will be able to get what they want, when they want it, correctly – the frst time.