
The world has changed and the government must change with it. We continue to improve services for the people and businesses of Ontario as we move these projects forward. That’s why we’ve moved quickly, adapting and updating Ontario’s programs and services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This work has helped keep the people of Ontario safe, but there is still more to do.

This Action Plan is our vision for how government will work for the people of our province. It’s a vision that continues to evolve as we navigate the impacts of COVID-19 and the needs of Ontarians, both today and for years to come.

While the initial work of the Action Plan spans over 30 projects, our eforts are organized around four key outcomes:

  1. Making government services more digitally accessible

  2. Reducing red tape and simplifying policies, while protecting public health and safety

  3. Improving government purchasing

  4. Creating more responsive and fexible public services

This Action Plan is a long-term program for transformational change that involves all ministries across government. As our work progresses, projects and details will evolve to support our modernization eforts, and we will develop new projects as well. Every step forward will create more convenient, reliable and accessible services for the people and businesses of Ontario, moving Ontario Onwards.