Enbridge Gas Inc.
EGD Rate Zone
2021 Customer-Related Volumes by Rate Class (April 2021 to March 2022) (103m3)
Line No. Rate Class

Col. 1

Forecast Volumes1

Col. 2

OBPS Participant & Other ExemptVolumes2

Col. 3
(Col. 1 - Col. 2)

Net Volumes

1 1 5,116,256 455 5,115,801
2 6 4,903,468 181,241 4,722,227
3 9 - - -
4 100 33,431 13,660 19,771
5 110 957,019 251,008 706,011
6 115 469,919 174,475 295,444
7 1253 560,000 560,000 -
8 135 61,643 - 61,643
9 145 27,157 6,189 20,968
10 170 267,329 192,591 74,738
11 2004 181,853 181,853 -
12 300 - - -
13 Customer-Related 12,578,074 1,561,472 11,016,602
  1. Forecast Volumes after DSM from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

  2. Estimated forecast volumes for mandatory and voluntary participants in the Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS), volumes qualifying for an exemption for non-covered activities and partial relief (80%) for greenhouse operators.

  3. Dedicated unbundled customers.

  4. Includes volumes delivered to downstream distributors and landfill gas.