Enbridge Gas Inc.
EGD Rate Zone
2021 Facility-Related Volumes
Line No. Particulars

Col. 1

Utility Forecast Amount (regulated)

Col. 2

Non-Utility Forecast Amount (unregulated)

Col.3 (Col. 1 + Col.2)

Total 2021 Forecast

1 Company Use - Buildings 1,494 - 1,494
2 Company Use - Boilers/Line Heaters 3,849 - 3,849
3 Company Use - NGV Fleet 1,011 - 1,011
4 Total Company Use1 6,354 - 6,354
5 Compressor Fuel2 16,981 2,068 19,049
6 Total Facility-Related 23,335 2,068 25,403


  1. Forecast Company-Use volumes for April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

  2. Forecast Compressor Fuel for January 1 to December 31, 2021.