7. The OBPS Volume forecast for 2021 for the EGD rate zone is 19,049 103m3 as detailed at Exhibit B, Tab 1, Schedule 2.2 The subsequent forecast 2021 OBPS obligation of 15,894 tCO2e results in a Facility Carbon Charge cost of $0.64 million as detailed at Exhibit B, Tab 1, Schedules 4 and 5. Of the $0.64 million, $0.57 million is attributable to Enbridge Gas’s regulated operations in the EGD rate zone.
8. The OBPS Volume forecast is derived by combining forecasts for regulated utility and unregulated non-utility compression activity into an overall physical activity forecast. Enbridge Gas has excluded unregulated non-utility compression volumes and associated costs in deriving the Facility Carbon Charge cost to be recovered in regulated rates. The OBPS Volume forecast for the EGD rate zone includes storage compression and dehydration fuel.
9. Enbridge Gas’s detailed calculations of the 2021 forecast compressor emissions, facility emissions limit, OBPS compliance obligation and compressor fuel use cost for the EGD rate zone can be found at Exhibit B, Tab 1, Schedules 3-5.
2 This includes both utility (regulated) and non-utility (unregulated) volumes.