Enbridge Gas Inc.
EGD Rate Zone
Table 1
2021 Forecast Compressor Emissions
Line No. Particulars Col. 1 Volumes1 Col. 2 CO2 Emissions2 Col. 3 CH4 Emissions3 Col. 4 N2O Emissions4 Col. 5  CO2e Emissions5
    (103m3) (Tonnes CO2) (Tonnes CH4) (Tonnes N2O) (Tonnes CO2e)
1 Compressor Fuel & Transmission Ancillary Fuel 19,049 37,149 37 1 38,361


  1. Exhibit B, Tab 1, Schedule 2, Col. 3, Line 5.

  2. Environment and Climate Change Canada "Canada's Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements - December 2017", Equation 2-11.

  3. Col. 1 x Table 2, Col. 2, Line 1 x Table 2, Col. 2, Line 2.

  4. Col. 1 x Table 2, Col. 3, Line 1 x Table 2, Col. 3, Line 2.

  5. Col. 2 + (Col. 3 x Table 3, Col. 1, Line 1) + (Col. 4 x Table 3, Col. 2, Line 1).

Table 2 Emission Factors
      Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3
Line No. Particulars Units CO2 Emission Factor CH4 Emission Factor N2O Emission Factor¹ 1
1 Natural Gas Pipelines Tonne/GJ   0.00005 0.0000013
2 Heat Value² GJ/10³m³ 38.88 38.88 38.88
  1. Environment and Climate Change Canada "Canada's Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements - December 2017", Table 2-4.

  2. Assumed Budget Heat Value = 38.88 GJ/103m3. In calculating actual emissions, the actual heating value will be used.

Table 3

Conversion Factors

Line No. Particulars Units Col. 1 Methane1 Col. 2 Nitrous Oxide1
1 Global Warming Potential for Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Tonnes CO2e 25 298


  1. Environment and Climate Change Canada "Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, Schedule 3".