Context and Mandate

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has moved quickly to adapt and update programs and services that the people of Ontario rely on. These events have made this work necessary and, as a result, this government is uniquely positioned to drive lasting change that will improve the way services are delivered for Ontarians.

This transformational process has created a foundation for the Future State Modernization Committee’s work. This committee, chaired by Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy, was established in May 2020 as part of the government’s overall COVID-19 response with a mandate to improve service delivery for the people of Ontario. The committee will oversee the implementation of the Action Plan, as well as any future reforms.

The Action Plan outlines how the government will:

Focused on these goals, the government is acting without delay to implement a suite of transformative projects. These projects are informed by the best practices of visionary businesses, leading governments, think tanks, thought leaders, the Ontario Public Service, and the best advice from MPPs on behalf of their constituents.

Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that change can happen quickly when there is the need, the will and the dedication to see it through.

Through this Action Plan, we’re adapting to changing circumstances and keeping the people of this province safe and healthy. We are also delivering services that are more convenient, more reliable and more accessible for the public.