While much of the work is underway and is successfully making the Ontario government more responsive to what people need, there is still more to do. This moment requires an ambitious agenda and our government will achieve that by moving Ontario Onwards.

The Action Plan is a roadmap to guide us and bring major change to government – both in terms of the services it delivers and how it delivers them. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Action Plan includes more than 30 projects that will improve programs and support frontline government services, including health care, ServiceOntario and expanding access to broadband.

The world has changed, and government must change with it. That is why we are working to make Ontario’s programs and frontline services more convenient, reliable and accessible. This Action Plan outlines our vision for how we’ll achieve a modern, efcient and customer-focused government.

Peter Bethlenfalvy

President of the Treasury Board

Chair of the Future State Modernization Committee