June 15, 2020

Item 11.7

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Dear Mayor and Councillors,

This project recently came to my attention. I am disappointed that I was not informed by any city representative and given an opportunity to respond to these plans.

I have lived in this neighbourhood off/on for nearly 50 years. The bike and walking paths along the Detroit River, west of Ouellette, are unique for their contemplative qualities. Time and again, I have returned to the westside because of the quiet, natural beauty found here.

Unfortunately, my neighbours and I have had our property values threatened by absentee landlords and destructive students. If we want to park on our own streets or have visitors, we must pay annually for such privileges. We've withstood disruptive and damaging U of W building/demolition projects without consultation or advance warning. I'm not aware of any neighbourhood consultation about this latest project, which if it goes ahead will significantly and negatively impact all who live in the vicinity.

I was told last year that there might not be money to repair and / or upgrade the lovely stone steps near the Bridge, and that in the event of no funds, the steps might be permanently fenced off. This feature has been an exceptional enticement to individuals and families alike. The steps, within the context of the larger Assumption Park, draw people to the area who want a singularly scenic and peaceful escape. Why are tax dollars not being spent to remedy these existing park troubles?

During nice weather there is rarely adequate parking for Windsorites who wish to visit Assumption Park, to walk along the path, take a selfie, or listen to the WSO. Will you