June 11, 2020

Council Item June 15th - #11.7 Waterfront Celestial Beacon Home to Streetcar 351

To The Mayor and Members of City Council

I am writing this as a Ward 2 resident. When my family wants to enjoy a quiet evening, they always head down to the riverfront for a leisurely walk in a superb, calming, safe setting.

Our riverfront is a jewel we should be celebrating.

The placement of a business in this setting is ludicrous. Have we not learned to respect the wishes of our citizenry? This City has continually made bad investments in projects that bleed the coffers dry. This will be no different.

I have been involved in trying to have a meaningful dialogue with the City on many issues that have arisen. I am tired of being of being treated as if I do not count. This is not only my experience but that of so many others. This has led to an air of distrust and apathy – why should I even get involved, the decision has already been made, the “consultation” is a mere formality, a lip service.

The above referenced project is a prime example. Formal announcement was made less than 2 weeks before a decision is exacted. Not even the neighbours were notified. The placement of Streetcar 351 at the foot of Askin Avenue was not the choice of those who participated in that “consultation”. Anyone who knows about history knows that in order to properly animate any artifact or historical event there has to be a visual connection to its meaning and importance. The foot of Askin Ave. is not this place.

To add salt to the wound the project has morphed into a business the completely destroys the look and feel of the riverfront. This is a public space meant for enjoyment by the public. This is not a commercial area zoned for business. We now know this project is driven by the availability of money to offset the costs. Carefully consider at what cost. Not everything in life carries a price tag.

The process here is flawed on so many levels. There has to be respect and more than lip service given to those who show a sincere concern and wish to have a meaningful dialogue.

Say no to this project, step back and take a good look at how this City conducts “consultation”. Let’s be open and transparent. I am asking to be included at the beginning of projects that affect my daily life and the life of our City.

Thank you

Mary Ann Cuderman