June 15, 2020

Item 11.7

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10 Reasons why Council approval of the Waterfront Celestial Beacon should be deferred.

1.) $7,000.000 of taxpayer money should not be committed until the extent of the ongoing economic fallout due to the Covid 19 pandemic that is projected to be devastating for the businesses, social and public services and ultimately the citizens of Windsor, is yet to be determined.

2.)The height of the building (Celestial Beacon) extends above the crown of the Riverside Drive pavement contravening Zoning By-law 8600 that guards against development north of Riverside Drive and maintains the sprit that our waterfront creators championed

3.) A work permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has not been obtained. It is necessary because the project falls within 100meters of the Detroit River. 4.) The Canada Cultural Spaces Grant Funding of $3,032,066 is yet to be approved or denied, making proper responsible budgeting for the project impossible. Cobbling together alternative funding is neither wise or sustainable.

5.) Operating cost for the site "estimated," at $37,000/yr have not been budgeted or sourced but instead kicked down the road and "referred to future operating budgets." 6.) The licensed bistro, the bicycle rental and event rental operations for which there is no business plan, represent a creeping monetization of the park.

7.) The last minute moving of the planned site due to undiscovered sewage pipes does not bode well for the so called extensive preparation process. No study has been done to assess future water levels at the site, their effects on the project and how to mitigate them.

8.) Security has not been planned and budgeted for and police have not assessed the challenges due to the hidden design. This is important because the washrooms at Pierrie and Riverside with same hidden design styling are permanently closed because the police state they can't protect it.

9.) Denying the streetcar its rightful berth on the very street where it used to ply it's trade and placing it on the riverfront, in order to qualify for a grant, defies historic heritage relevance.

10.) The Auditor General has yet to review and sign off on the plan.