June 15, 2020

Item 11.7

Additional Information

From: Steve Daigle

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2020 4:04 PM

To: Toldo, Beth < toldob@citywindsor.ca>

Subject: Celestial Beacon

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Good morning all.

I just read the letter that Aaron Mavrinac sent to city council and completely agree with what what he has said. I walk down past that location almost every day. I live one block from the river. That parking lot is well used and often full. Putting a large structure and introducing concessions will destroy the relaxing peace and quiet of the area. This project will interrupt that.

It is so counter intuitive to park use. That is already a well used area with mature trees (minus the ones removed unfortunately.) There are always people relaxing down there.

They assault my senses every time I pass that area. Never have been able to figure out what the thinking is on that. This area also has beautiful mature trees and is a real treasure of an area except for these.

I also agree with Aaron's characterization of the consulting process. I remember almost being laughed out of the room suggesting that the parking would be problem at the new pool location downtown. I rest my case on that one.

Thank our lucky stars that the former and current mayor was blocked from closing Adie Knox. Good free parking. Affordable. Close to (as in walking distance) from many families. Not a large white elephant losing money. Not only catering to the rich or international swim stars.

Sadly though the process did remove College Avenue the only community centre in the west end. Why do so many projects in this city seem designed for visitors and not for people who live here. If this goes ahead it has all the potential to be another major guffaw like Adventure Bay and the WFCU arena.