(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

Year ended December 31, 2019

15. Pension plan:

EWU participates in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund (“OMERS”), a multi-employer plan, on behalf of its employees. The plan has been accounted for as a defined contribution plan. Contributions during the year were 9.0% (2018 - 9.0%) for employee earnings below the year’s maximum pensionable earnings and 14.6% (2018 - 14.6%) thereafter. During 2019, EWU expensed contributions totalling $2,787 (2018 - $2,937) made to OMERS in respect of the employer’s required contributions to the plan. Estimated contributions for 2020 are $3,043.

16. Income taxes (provision for payment in lieu of corporate taxes):

  2019 2018
Current tax expense:  
Current year $ 3,334 $ 4,305
Adjustments for prior years 4,834 (2,838)
Deferred tax expense:    
Origination and reversal of temporary differences 2,067 3,498
Adjustments for prior years (5,299) -
Tax related to remeasurement of employee future benefits (1,334) (1,930)