14. Employee future benefits (continued):

Components of net benefit expense recognized are as follows:

  2019 2018

Current service cost

$ 1,949

$ 2,528
Interest cost 2,541 2,297
Net benefit expense $ 4,490 $ 4,825

Net benefit expense for the year is recognized as administrative expense on the consolidated statement of income.

The main actuarial assumptions underlying the valuation are as follows:

(a) Health care cost trend rates:

The health care cost trend for prescription drugs is estimated to increase at 6.5% in 2020 grading down to 4.0% by 2041. Other health expenses are estimated to increase at 5.0% grading down to 4.0% by 2041. Dental expenses are estimated to increase at 4.0% per year.

(b) Financial instruments:

The liabilities at the period end and the present value of future liabilities were determined using a discount rate of 3.1% (2018 – 4.0%) representing an estimate of the yield on high quality corporate bonds as at the valuation date.

(c) Mortality decrement:

The rates applicable to public sector retirees in the 2014 Canadian Pensioners Mortality table produced by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries were used as the basis of these assumptions.

A 1% or one year change in actuarial assumptions, assuming all other factors remain constant, has the following impact on the defined benefit liability carrying amount:

  December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
  Increase Decrease Increase Decrease
Health care trend rate (1% change) $ 10,335 $ (8,260) $ 12,236 $ (9,605)
Discount rate (1% change) $ (9,534) $ 12,782 $(10,312) $ 13,390
Mortality (1 year) $ 2,540 $ (2,460) $ 2,817 $ (2,721)