key area of focuS: people & culture

Strategic Objective: We will provide a safe workplace with diverse, highly skilled and engaged employees.

Performance Commitment 2019 Performance Highlights
Attain consistent, high health and safety standards Retain, recruit and develop talent Provide growth and leadership opportunities Foster a culture of high performance, initiative and accountability
  •  Received a Letter of Good Standing for the Certificate of Recognition (COR™) with an audit score of 95 percent.
  •  Continued to be successful in our efforts in to reduce lost time due to accidents, across the organization.
  •  Implemented a contractor management system to evaluate and monitor adherence to H&S and purchasing requirements. This also serves as a convenient portal that enables contractors to upload up to date documentation that meets relevant H&S requirements and allows ENWIN to track the contractor’s performance against these requirements.
  •  Created collaborative health and safety videos with employees to educate new employees and contractors about our facilities and our emergency programs.
  •  Implemented the “Not Myself Today Campaign” to promote awareness and understanding of mental health issues and provided tools and resources to support those experiencing mental health challenges.
  •  Delivered monthly safety talks to share H&S information and reviewed safe work practices
  •  Delivered extensive in-house apprenticeship programs, engineering and business internships, ensuring availability of qualified future employees.
  •  Partnered with industry and educational institutions to support talent attraction and recruitment.
  •  Continued consultations with staff to develop a vision for the Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
  •  Initiated the Engaged Workforce Council and extended a network, consisting of a cross-section of employees across the organization, dedicated to making recommendations for the development of a framework and strategy to positively impact Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion at ENWIN. The council assessed the current environment through employee interviews and is currently identifying initiatives to positively impact barriers, as well as initiatives to leverage the strengths identified.
  •  Developed individual success plans to support professional advancement for high potential employees aspiring to advance in the organization.
  •  Coordinated a series of wellness initiatives for employees, including but not limited to healthy snack days, Trivia Lunch N Learn, Apple Picking and Movie Night.