r e s u l t s : p r o g r e s s a g a i n s t THE PLAN
WCU’s Strategic Direction ensures that the utility, through all companies and services, will continue to build towards achieving strategic objectives in each of its five areas of focus. The next five pages summarize its performance towards these goals in 2019.
key area of focuS: cuStomer Service
Strategic Objective: We will deliver exceptional value to our customers.
Performance Commitment | 2019 Performance Highlights |
Deliver safe, reliable, cost effective services Engage and inform our customers Measure and define customer expectations Improve customer satisfaction | - • Gauged customer opinion through an annual customer survey.
- • Connected 673 new load customers.
- • Responded to over 1,100 outages and restored power to customers
- • Continued EWU investments in distribution system automation, to provide benefits to customers in the form of a resilient distribution system; while system activity (storms) was 17% higher than the 5-year average, the average duration of an outage continued to drop and was 23 minutes as compared to the 5-year average of 27 minutes.
- • Developed and filed program wind-down plans with IESO in response to the March 2019 announcement by the provincial government announced that they would consolidate the delivery of their Conservation First Framework program and take that function back from the province’s distribution utilities. EWU continued to process the applications for incentives from prior committed contracts.
- • Renewed EWE’s agreement with the City of Windsor to provide streetlight maintenance and other streetlighting related services to the City.
- • Attended all City Councillor’s Town Hall meetings, answering and following up on customers’ inquiries.