c o m m u n i t y s u p p o r t PROGRAM

a poWerful partner to the community

In 2019, ENWIN continued to reach out to residents and organizations in Windsor, as a partner in supporting the health, wellbeing, future planning, innovation and lifestyle of our community.

A team of ENWIN volunteers from various departments across the company formed a Community Support Committee that helped to identify potential partnerships and set the framework within which our employees could volunteer, fundraise and support. The committee met

in late 2018 to review applications from community organizations and determine the plan for 2019.

ENWIN's key partnerships in 2019 supported health and wellness, safety, education, conservation, youth, leisure and arts.

In addition, ENWIN supported its employees' grassroots fundraising and volunteer efforts to help organizations that keep our community strong, healthy and vibrant. We also partnered with local and provincial media outlets,

who helped us to tell the stories of our community support and enlist public engagement in our employees' efforts.

We worked with internal and external partners in media, education, health and safety, social services, technology, community support, lifestyle, conservation, customer service and communications.

Employees volunteered 301 times, at 50 community events during the year.


ENWIN Superhero Volunteers contributed to Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex Build #65 in Ford City.