• Partnerships with industry and educational institutions to support the implementation of the talent management strategy. These include collaborations with St. Clair College, the University of Windsor, other institutions and contractor associations to attract and hire top recruits, in a variety of positions in several departments.

Most notably, sponsorship and a program delivery partnership with St. Clair College's Powerline Technician program have allowed ENWIN to draw apprentices from the ranks of its graduates in recent years.

ENWIN offers:

Programs for succession planning and management, training and development, to ensure that there are qualified employees in the talent pipeline for key positions;

• A staffing initiative to properly equip a segment of staff with the diverse, enhanced skills to support and work in both overhead and underground environments;

• A diversity plan, which fosters an inclusive culture that leverages diversity and enhances employee engagement and innovation.

ENWIN's employee compensation programs continued to support a culture that values high performance, and include market-driven and performance-based components to

attract, retain and reward employees who assist ENWIN's culture of continuous improvement.

health and Safety

At ENWIN, safety is embedded within our organizational culture. It is a fundamental component of our commitment to the tremendous value of our employees, as well as our ability to operate efficiently and effectively. Protecting the health and safety of our employees and our community is a high priority and we are committed to ensuring everyone returns home safely at the end of each work day.

ENWIN seeks to educate employees and to provide a foundation for continuous improvement initiatives that will help to develop, monitor and advance our goal of zero accidents and injuries.

We believe that an effective Health & Safety Management System (HSMS) is the key to a safe workplace — and that ongoing commitment, participation and endorsement from our leaders is paramount to our success.

To that end, ENWIN has adopted the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) Certificate of Recognition (COR™) health and safety management system, a framework to manage risks, establish controls and minimize the incidence of injury and illness to employees.

By achieving COR™, ENWIN is able to demonstrate that our health and safety management system is effective and continually evolving, allowing us to ensure the safety of employees through annual evaluations and comprehensive internal and external audits.

ENWIN received a Letter of Good Standing for the Certificate of Recognition (COR™) with an audit score of 95%.

We continue to be successful in strengthening our health and safety management system, reducing accidents and incidents in our focus on reducing lost time across the organization.

Through monthly health and safety talks, continuous education and training, we aim to ensure our employees are conducting their activities in a manner that makes health and safety a primary part of their daily activities. Mental health and psychological safety is also an important part of ENWIN's health and safety program.

At ENWIN, our goal is to take a proactive approach to identifying risks and preventing incidents before they occur and to take immediate corrective action when a safety issue is identified.