enWin equalS leaderShip, accountaBility and inteGrity.

Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd. and its affiliates (The ENWIN Group) are committed to the organizational values of leadership, accountability and integrity. These values are reflected in our Employee Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy, our organizational structure and our transparent reporting of results and challenges.

Our Boards of Directors and our Senior Management Team support an environment that fosters and demonstrates ethical business conduct at all levels, and reflects these shared values. Every employee must lead by example.

enWin equalS conSideration for StakeholderS.

Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd. and its affiliates take into account the interests of all our stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, our shareholder and the communities and environment in which we operate.

enWin equalS valuinG employeeS.

The quality and diverse experiences of our workforce is our strength. We will strive to hire and retain the best qualified people available and maximize their opportunities for success.

We are committed to maintaining a safe, secure and healthy work environment, enriched by diversity and characterized by open communication, trust and fair treatment.

enWin equalS puttinG cuStomerS firSt.

Our continued success depends on the quality of our customer interactions, and we are committed to delivering value across the entire customer experience.

We are honest, open and fair in our relationships with our customers. We provide reliable, responsive and innovative products and services in compliance with legislated rights and standards for access, safety, health and environmental protection.

enWin equalS fair, honeSt relationShipS.

We are honest and fair in our relationships with our suppliers and contractors. We purchase equipment, supplies and services on the basis of merit, utilizing our professional procurement policy.

We pay suppliers and contractors in accordance with agreed terms, encourage them to adopt responsible business practices, and require

them to adhere to health, safety and environmental standards when working for The ENWIN Group.

enWin equalS reSpect for community and environment.

We are committed to being responsible corporate citizens, and will contribute to making the communities in which we operate better places in which to live and do business.

We are sensitive to the community's needs and dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment in which we operate.

enWin equalS accountaBility.

We are financially accountable to our shareholder and to the institutions that underwrite our operations. We communicate to them all matters that are financially material to our organization.

We protect our shareholder's investment and manage risks effectively. We communicate to our shareholder all matters that are material to an understanding of our corporate governance.