front and 6 feet above grade), and space limitation given the existence of the neighbouring residential building and carport. This material has a 35 years finish warranty.

Since at the writing of the report, the applicants have not removed the existing metal siding on the front façade, they are unsure of the extent of wall failure on the ground floor and repairs necessary. There is concern that the faux brick parging wrapped around the corner to the left wall would be unsalvageable. As a result, the applicants have provided an alternative elevation on sheet A6.0 of the drawings (see Appendix B) to extend the aluminum composite panel system storefront design replace areas marked by the current metal siding to be removed. This is a precautionary measure in the event that the brick pattern is not salvageable under the existing metal panel system. Further simplification of the aluminum composite panel design may be warranted, but any minor changes will be delegated to staff for approval per HCD Plan.

Additionally, should the front of the left (south) wall be found to require substantial replacement upon further exploratory work, the applicants have also provided the option of using the Nichiha Fibre Cement Architectural Wall Panel - Vintage Brick Alexandria Buff as a finish material with the intent of creating a similar appearance as the existing faux brick veneer, although it has a 15 year finish warranty. Samples compared with the existing brick on site suggest the Plymouthbrick Crimson may be a more appropriate choice, however heritage planning supports the recommendation that staff be delegated material and colour sample final approval. Given the existing finish material and circumstance, this material can be accepted on the side, but would not be acceptable on the front of the building should further structural failure require the repair of the walls directly fronting on Sandwich Street.

As more information on the condition of the walls are revealed through testing, staff will continue to work with the applicants through the process to determine the final finish/material options. The final decision will be based on staff review of material samples on site.


The remaining brick facades are to be repointed and/or repaired. Brick replacement may be required although most of the brick that is visible will simply be repointed. Brick matching of historic brick will be required through provision of brick samples. The use of Type O mortar for bricks earlier than 1930s will be required. If there is any cleaning of the brick proposed, it will also need to adhere to the City of Windsor Masonry Guidelines.


The current HAP application only covers the one unoriginal window mentioned to be altered on the right side. Restoration of original windows would be preferred especially for the street facing façade. If further changes to the proposal are made to the windows, a separate HAP or amended HAP may be required and would be administered by staff through delegated approval authority.