Official Plan:

The Windsor Official Plan provides that ( “Council will manage heritage resources by: (e) providing support and encouragement to organizations and individuals who undertake the conservation of heritage resources by private means”. Section Vol. I identifies the requirements for a Heritage Alteration Permit. Section 1.0, Vol. II includes more detailed policies regarding the Sandwich Heritage Conservation District Plan (Sandwich HCD) adopted by Council. The Heritage Alteration Permit application (Appendix ‘A’) is deemed sufficient.

Risk Analysis:

The proposed addition is a heritage appropriate design that was warranted as a result of the anticipation of the current owners for its future commercial and residential use. The complete exterior and interior restoration will give new life this main street property, which has been vacant for a several years, and which would continue to deteriorate if not used.

Financial Matters:

This report alone has no direct financial implications. The project has submitted for financial incentives under the Sandwich Community Improvement Program, which would be presented to Council as a separate application.


Special Projects Planner Kevin Alexander and Senior Urban Designer Adam Coates were actively involved in discussions about this application. Also consulted was Site Plan Approval Officer Jason Campigotto, who verified that Site Plan application was not needed, and Building Department staff.


The proposed exterior alterations can be considered as respectful to the cultural heritage value of this main street building, and the heritage alteration request should be approved subject to the recommended conditions.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Michael Cooke Manager Planning Policy/Deputy City Planner
Thom Hunt City Planner / Executive Director Planning & Building
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor / CLT
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer