Architectural Considerations:

The Sandwich Heritage Conservation District (HCD) includes a significant number of commercial buildings located mainly along Sandwich Street in the commercial core. Architectural design guidelines in the Sandwich HCD regulate a number of factors including windows, doors, building materials, textures, colours, and key building elements.


One of the Physical goals of the Sandwich HCD Plan is to “Encourage the retention, conservation and appropriate adaptation of the District’s heritage buildings, architectural details and streetscapes rather than their demolition and replacement”. The proposal has demonstrated a strong initiative to retain the existing building and extensive work has been proposed to reinforce the structural condition of the building through the installation of new structural beams, columns, foundations, and roof framing. Related masonry anchor plates seen on the elevation and engineering drawings will be painted black with an appropriate steel paint so as to tie into the design of the ground floor facade. The interior structural work are related to but not subject to Heritage Approvals.

Storefront Design

For visible alterations proposed to the exterior, the recommendations of the HCD Plan is to base alterations on research of original style and appearance of the building, through documentary evidence of the history of the building (section 7.4 Alteration). Unfortunately, no historical documentary evidence could be found for this building. The applicant has therefore proposed to replicate storefront design and proportions that would be typical of traditional storefronts, through the installation of the Aluminum Composite Panel System with Transom Glass and wide “storefront” displays, in line with the elements identified for commercial buildings in Sandwich (Section 7.2.8 Key Element Variations for Commercial and Institutional Buildings).

The storefront design proposed does not include indication of signage location, design or details on the plans. The applicant has stated that they prefer to wait for perspective tenants to resolve the signage. Administration has made the signage policies clear to the applicant and recommend blade or fascia signage with exterior lighting. Back lit box signage is not permitted in the Sandwich HCD. Future proposed signage would be subject to a separate HAP application delegated to staff for approval.

Left Portion of the Facade

HCD Plan allows for traditional materials or compatible ones that may look traditional. The left side of the building has a faux brick veneer parging over the masonry. Preliminary investigation indicate areas of wall failure on the back portion of the left wall as recommended by the project architect and engineer. The applicants have stated difficulty sourcing for contractor to complete recreation of the Faux Brick Veneer after structural repairs, and are therefore proposing alternate finish materials indicated on the drawings. The first option of the applicant is to use a non-traditional material of architectural, fire rated, insulated metal panels that would be proposed in red/orange colour to match with the remaining faux brick veneer. Amongst the reasons listed in the letter submitted February 10, 2020, the applicants also rationalize the use of this non-traditional material due to the area being set-back from the street (16 feet back from the