Parcel ‘A’ – (see Appendix A)

Main Building Height –Multiple Dwelling -Maximum – 12 m: This provision would apply to the Multiple Dwelling structure and would permit a particular style of design for the proposed 3 storey multiple dwelling structure.

Parcel ‘B’ – (see Appendix A)

Interior side yard where a habitable room window of any dwelling unit faces a side lot line – Minimum 4 m: This provision would apply in the case where a semi-detached structure abuts a side lot line. In this development, this would apply to semi-detached dwellings that have a side wall abutting either the north or south property line of the site.

Rear Yard Depth – Minimum – 6 m: This provision would apply to semi detached dwellings adjacent to the eastern property line of the development site.

Clara Street Extension:

While not specifically part of this zoning by-law amendment application, the extension of Clara Street though the subject site is required. In 1999, City Council approved a Plan of Subdivision submitted by Piccinin Development. As part of the approved plan, Block 32, Plan 12M-440 was conveyed to the City for the purpose of providing future access to the rear portion of the very deep lots that front Howard Avenue (which represent the lands subject of this application). The Clara Street extension will provide a point of access for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to Cabana Road which is designated as a Class II Arterial Road in the Official Plan. This will facilitate the opportunity for active transportation by residents in the surrounding area.

While the Clara Street connection is not expected to be a primary access to the area, it is important to maintain a connection through the proposed development to enhance the overall vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian movement through all of the development projects on the rear portion of the very deep lots that front Howard Avenue.

Should the development proposed in this application be constructed without a municipal right of way or similar functioning link connecting Clara Street to the lands north of the proposed development, as shown in the concept plan, the opportunity to provide a southerly connection to Roseland Public School and the commercial area at the Howard Avenue and Cabana Road East will be lost and the future development of the lands to the north of this proposed development will be hampered.

Therefore, the Planning Department recommends that as part of the approval of this proposed development, that the applicant convey to the municipality a 20m Right of way from the existing north limit of Block 32, Plan12M-440, through to the north limit of the proposed development (north limit of Part 1, 12R-27680) or that an unobstructed active transportation access route be established through the development site to Clara Street to the satisfaction of the City Planner.

Hold Prefix:

To assist in the implementation of the municipal requirements related to the development of this parcel, a Hold Provision should be applied to the zoning of this site.