The removal of the Hold Provision could take place when all of the conditions referenced in Recommendation III of this report have been fulfilled.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Comments received from municipal departments and external agencies are attached as Appendix “B” to this report.

Public Notice:

The statutory notice was advertised in the Windsor Star Newspaper and all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel received courtesy notice by mail prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting (DHSC) meeting.


Planner’s Opinion and Conclusions:

The proposed development of this vacant site into a development containing Semi-detached Dwelling and Multiple Dwelling structures represents an efficient development and land use pattern that will have no adverse impact on the financial well-being of the City of Windsor, land consumption, and servicing costs, represents an appropriate residential use, adds to the range and mix of uses, and will not cause any environmental or public health and safety concerns. This development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.

The proposed Semi-detached Dwellings and Multiple Dwelling represents a housing type and density that meets the requirements of current and future residents, that meets the social, health and well-being of current and future residents, represents a form of residential intensification, is set in a location with access to infrastructure, public service facilities, and is close to commercial land uses.

However, without a connection to the Clara Street Extension through the proposed development, future development of the lands to the north may be hampered, as connections to the Institutional and Commercial uses to the south will be cut off. If the Clara Street Extension is not provided, the City would not be providing for the efficient development of lands within the City of Windsor, therefore, a connection to the Clara Street Extension should be secured as part of this development.

The proposed amendments are consistent the PPS, with the policy direction of the City of Windsor Official Plan, is compatible with existing and permitted uses in the surrounding neighbourhood and constitutes good planning.