Discussion: Planning Analysis:

Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014:

The Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS) provides direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development and sets the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land in Ontario.

The proposed development is consistent with the PPS in that it promotes compact and transit supportive forms of development. (PPS As well, this development will help to provide a range of housing types in an area dominated by single detached residential dwellings. (PPS 1.4.3)

The development site is also close to a neighbourhood commercial node which will provide neighbourhood commercial uses close to residents, promoting walkability of the neighborhood. The site is also very near to transit corridors, which provides a range of travel options for the residents. The density of the development may help support the transit options that currently exist in this area. (PPS 1.4.3)

Official Plan:

The proposed development conforms to the Residential policies in the OP, particularly with the promotion of a complementary range of housing types, infill and intensification initiatives, and complementary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas (OP Section through

The City of Windsor Official Plan currently designates the site “Residential”. The proposed use conforms to the Residential designation.

Zoning By-Law:

The site is zoned RD1.1 and HRD1.1 (See Zone District Map). The “H” holding prefix currently applies to the majority of the subject Lands. The “H” holding prefix was imposed to ensure that the lands east of Howard Avenue would be developed in an orderly fashion.

Proposed Use:

The applicant proposes to construct a combination of Semi Detached and a Multiple Dwelling structures. (See Concept Plan). The proposed development of semi-detached and multiple unit dwellings will provide an alternative to the single detached residential dwellings that have been predominantly constructed throughout this general area. Residents of the proposed semi-detached and multiple dwelling unit buildings will be able to take advantage of the close proximity of the Howard/Cabana commercial node, Roseland Public School and the transit system. Therefore, the use proposed is suitable for this site.

Proposed Regulations:

The regulations proposed to would be applied as follows: