The Environmental Master Plan (EMP) was first developed in 2006 to provide a guidance document for the City of Windsor to address environmental issues. This Plan also incorporates economic and social aspects which are crucial to the overall health and quality of life of Windsorites. The goals of EMP promote higher density in areas that have infrastructure in place such as streets, sewers, schools, and public transportation.


The Zoning By-law 8600 currently designates the zoning for the subject property as “Residential District 1.2” (RD1.2). Applicable zoning bylaw policies can be found in detail in the Appendix D: Excerpt from the Zoning By-law 8600. As per Section 10.2.1, existing duplex dwelling, existing semi-detached dwelling, and single unit dwelling are the permitted uses.

The requested Zoning By-law amendment will change the zoning of the subject site to “Residential District 2.2” (RD2.2). The proposed multiple dwelling containing a maximum of four units is a permitted use by “Residential District 2.2” (RD2.2).

The overall plan and floor plans can be found in the Appendix E: Proposed Overall Plan and Appendix F: Proposed Floor Plans.

The subject property is surrounded by residential land uses. This residential area is an established neighbourhood with houses dating from 1910s and 1920s. The proposed change in use will maintain compatibility with the immediate surrounding residential uses. Considering the existing building condition, the proposed infill is an appropriate re-use of future vacant land.


The property will be subject to Site Plan Control (SPC) as a small scale low profile residential development (as defined in the By-law 1-2004); the SPC application fee to include the cost of registering the Site Plan Control Agreement. The Site Plan Control process will address various issues such as alley paving, storm detention scheme, lot grading and tree retention.


The owner shall agree to preserve minimum four of the existing trees as shown in the Appendix G: Tree Retention Proposal (trees to be preserved are highlighted in green) as part of the SPC application.



Risk Analysis: