Financial Matters:


City’s Departments and Agencies

Comments from municipal departments and external agencies are attached as

Appendix H: Consultations to this report. There are no objections to the proposed amendments.

The City’s Engineering, Development, Projects and Right-of-Way Department requires that the applicant provide a lot grading plan, site servicing drawing, and storm detention scheme prior construction permit. The applicant will also be required to drain and pave at his expense the alley abutting the subject lands. Street opening permits for sewer taps, drain taps, curb cuts and driveway approaches are to be obtain to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Also, a video inspection to be undertaken at the applicant’s expense of any existing connections.

The Windsor Police Service has no objections with the proposed amendment to the

Zoning By-Law to permit the construction of a four unit multiple dwelling at this location. Safety and security for the residents and the surrounding neighbourhood is a priority for

Windsor Police therefore the following important site safety features be included part of the project:

The owner shall ensure the tenant parking lot situated off the abutting rear alley is provided with lighting that yields a minimum illumination level of 2.0 foot-candles (21.53 lux)

The building shall have a prominently placed street address number that is visible, without obstruction, from the adjacent roadway that it fronts (Arthur

Road) to facilitate an effective level of police response in an emergency.

See Appendix H: Consultations for detailed and additional instructions.

Public Notice

The official notice has been advertised in the Windsor Star newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act.

A courtesy notice will be mailed to all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject site, prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting.


The recommended Zoning By-Law Amendment proposes an efficient use of existing municipal services and infrastructure while maintaining consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement. The proposal is also in conformity with the Official Plan and represents good planning.