The subject rezoning application is consistent with PPS sections promoting the vitality and long-term prosperity of the existing settlements while minimizing the unnecessary public expenditures.

In my opinion, the proposed development promotes intensification within existing urban settlement area and efficiently uses the existing infrastructure. The recommended amendment to the Zoning By-law 8600 makes sound planning being consistent with the above mentioned sections of the PPS.


Applicable OP Sections can be found in detail in the Appendix C: Excerpts from the OP of this report.

The Official Plan, Schedule D: Land Use designates the subject land as “Residential”. Section 6.3 of the OP describes “Residential” areas as main locations for a broad range of housing types and complimentary services. The OP supports and promotes the following objectives:

complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods

compact neighbourhoods

selective residential development, infill and intensification initiatives

As per Section “Permitted Uses”, uses permitted in the “Residential” areas include Low, Medium, and High Profile dwelling units. The proposed multiple dwelling with four units is a low profile housing, a permitted use by the OP policies.

As per Section “Locational Criteria”, residential development shall be located where full municipal physical services can be provided. The proposed building can be fully connected to municipal services available on Arthur Road. Public transportation services are available in the close proximity, within the walking distance. Adequate community services and open space are available near by: schools, parks, and access to Tecumseh Road – an arterial road. The subject site meets all of the locational criteria.


The proposed development is consistent with other OP policies as shown below.

As per Chapter 3 Development Strategy, Section Neighbourhood Housing

Variety encourages a range of housing types to provide people with the opportunity to live in their neighbourhood as they pass through various stages of their lives.

Section Community Design recommends that the design of building and spaces respect and enhance the character of their surroundings. The proposed building is compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setback and amenity area.