Increase invasive and woody species control measures such as prescribed burns, cutting and physical removal…    
Action 5.5 Complete an Urban Forest Management Plan  Complete the City of Windsor Street Tree and Park Tree Inventories;  Increase awareness of the air pollution and greenhouse gas reduction benefits provided by trees…. 4  
Action 5.6 Improve climate resilience of trees in urban forests, parks and in the public right-of-way  Ensure tree and plant species established are native where possible, diverse, disease resistant and have high climate adaptability;  Enhance tree maintenance programs to mitigate damage due to heat and extreme events… 5  
Action 5.7 Enhance Detroit River shoreline protection measures along Windsor’s riverfront and Peche Island 7  
Action 5.8 areas Increase community level of knowledge on the benefits of natural Continue to provide education to the public about the importance of natural areas, invasive species and endangered species… 4  
Objective 6: Reduce Community Service Disruptions Priority Action Vote totals Priority ObjectiveVote totals
Action 6.1 Improve communications from Transit Windsor to the public  Hire a social media/communications coordinator for Transit Windsor;  Develop a social media presence for Transit Windsor and use this to alert riders of changes to routes due to extreme weather events… 2 3
Action 6.2 Develop extreme weather contingency plans for Transit Windsor  Identify priority risk areas and develop a Plan to respond to flooding of transit infrastructure, disruption of service and infrastructure damage to terminals, shelters, benches, bus stop pads etc.; Invest in back up power sources for all key Transit Windsor infrastructure including fuel pumps… 2
Action 6.3 Improve design standards for new recreational facilities to ensure they are more climate resilient
  •  Ensure any future outdoor rinks developed consider warmer winter temperature protection measures which may include a full cover and extra cooling capacity;
  •  Ensure all new sports fields developed have sufficient shade amenities and additional drainage designed to reflect Windsor’s climate projections;
  •  Ensure any new indoor recreational facilities are designed to withstand Windsor’s climate projections…
Action 6.4 Identify strategies to minimize cancellations of recreational rentals at existing recreation facilities  Investigate modifying season start, end and duration dates as well as general schedules for recreational programming to try to avoid spring flooding and summer heat; 3