Identify recreational facilities such as trails and sports fields at risk of flooding and prioritize additional drainage measures where possible…    
Action 6.5 Enhance inspections of Special Events Facilities and roads to identify infrastructure deficiencies for upcoming events 1
Action 6.6 Evaluate and enhance recreational uses along Windsor’s shoreline  Evaluate where pathways and trails should be set back from surface water bodies to protect public safety and limit closures when water levels are high…. 6
Action 6.7 Replace Lakeview Marina docks with floating docks that are more resilient to varying water levels 1
Objective 7: Build Community Resilience Priority Action Vote totals Priority ObjectiveVote totals
Action 7.1 Improve stormwater design standards for future climate change precipitation projections  Design new public areas to accommodate future rainfall intensity and increased stormwater demand and where possible consider providing additional resiliency to neighbouring areas… 5 7
Action 7.2 Explore options to implement stormwater financing mechanisms  Effectively communicate and educate the public of any stormwater financing implementation decisions… 1
Action 7.3 Enhance the use of low impact development in both private and public areas to reduce storm water impacts 1
Action 7.4 levels Enhance education to the public about the risk of high surface water Communicate with the media and use social media to update the public on current or changing conditions… 1
Action 7.5 Develop communications campaign with messaging to residents on lot-level resiliency actions  Including but not limited to green and cool roofs, rain gardens, native plants, rainbarrels etc… 14
Action 7.6 Consider Thermal Comfort and the Urban Heat Island effect in development project design  Encourage and implement more natural surface low impact development treatments instead of hard surfaces… 0
Action 7.7 outdoor pools Enhance protections from heat and UV rays at sport fields and 0
Action 7.8 Provide UV Protection in public spaces and at public events  Locate public transportation bus stops where shade is available… 4
Action 7.9 Enhance communication and education around the impacts of extreme heat on human health  Increase community understanding of heat illness signs and symptoms and associated health risks… 1
Action 7.10 the following) Implement the Community Energy Plan (including but not limited to Encourage a modal shift towards Public Transit and Active Transportation… 3