Share the findings with the public and conduct public education on flooding risks, responsibilities and emergency response…    
Action 4.5 Continue to monitor Little River overland flooding risk  Enhance the berm around the Little River Pollution Control Plant to protect critical infrastructure… 0
Action 4.6 Complete infrastructure projects that received funding as part of the Disaster Mitigation & Adaptation Fund grant  Complete the Upper/Lower Little River Flood Plain mapping study… 0
Action 4.7 Continue to invest in stormwater and sewer infrastructure  Invest in municipal drain and stormwater pond improvements… 15
Action 4.8 Protect and improve roads from flooding damage Assess frequently flooded roads and consider road improvements… 6
Action 4.9 Promote green infrastructure options for drainage issues on public and private property  Research and implement the use of green infrastructure as part of municipal projects… 10
Action 4.10 Review design standards and maintenance practices as they relate to newest climate projections  Review engineering design, construction and maintenance for sewer and stormwater management infrastructure… 1
Action 4.11 Explore options for increased electrical power generation from City of Windsor infrastructure (generators) to supplement Ontario’s electrical grid as warranted. 1
Objective 5: Protect Biodiversity and Enhance Ecosystem Functions Priority Action Vote totals Priority ObjectiveVote totals
Action 5.1 Protect and enhance the management of natural areas to improve climate change resilience
  •  Develop high level policies to inform the development of Natural Areas Management Plans;
  •  Develop Natural Areas Management Plans;
  •  Prioritize the preservation of unprotected natural properties especially for consolidation of existing natural areas;
  •  Monitor, protect and advocate for species at risk…
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Action 5.2 attenuation Investigate the potential for natural areas to enhance flood Identify where flood attenuation is needed within the City of Windsor;  Review water retention possibilities in natural areas including lands adjacent to Provincially Significant Wetlands and other wetland associated habitats (e.g. swamp forest, wet prairie, meadow marsh)…. 2
Action 5.3 Enhance linkages between and among natural heritage features  Investigate increased land connectivity options including land acquisition and landscaped or below grade Eco passages to enhance natural areas linkages… 3
Action 5.4 Implement an Invasive Species Program  Hire an invasive species coordinator for the City of Windsor; 1