The City standard does not allow parking in cul-de-sacs due to the inability of emergency vehicles and other City maintenance vehicles to turn around on dead end streets. Any new developments are automatically signed and the bylaw is written to include this restriction. Existing streets are amended in the bylaw and signed when Administration receives complaints from residents or other City services, as was the case for Melbourne Road.

Parking was amended in the bylaw and signed to restrict parking from the closest driveway to the cul-de-sac, as is typical for other locations around the City. The signs were installed in November of 2019.

Subsequent to the installation of the signs, another resident from the street requested that parking be allowed within the cul-de-sac up to the property line of 2825 Melbourne. As per typical procedure, the resident was allowed to petition the neighbourhood and did obtain the required minimum signatories to request the change. The original complainant did not sign the petition.

Administration does not support the requested change because of the safety reasons originally identified by the first 311 request, as well as based on input from other City departments.

Key Roadway Characteristics