
Council Report: S 19/2020

Subject: Melbourne Road - On-Street Parking Modification - Ward: 2


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the petition to modify parking signage on the 2800 block of Melbourne Road be DENIED.

Executive Summary:



Standard practice within the City of Windsor is to not allow parking within cul-de-sac’s, new developments are signed during construction and older locations are signed and added into the bylaw as Administration becomes aware of them. Administration was made aware, through a resident’s 311 request, that parking within cul-de-sac on the 2800 block of Melbourne Road was a safety concern. Based on this report and following standard practices, the bylaw was modified and signs installed. Subsequently a different resident requested that extra parking be allowed within the cul-de-sac area. The resident proceeded with the petition process and was successful in obtaining more than the required 60% signatures of the residents of the road. However, due to safety and access related concerns, Administration does not support the requested modification.


In June 2019, a resident on Melbourne Road submitted a 311 request to remove parking in the cul-de-sac at the east end of Melbourne Road due to the inability of Handi-Transit and other health care vehicles to access the homes within the cul-de-sac.