Risk Analysis:

The Table below illustrates the concerns expressed by the City departments who would be affected by allowing the change:



Operations Maintenance

From a Maintenance perspective, it is requested that parking remain as currently signed. Access and turning movements for other vehicles required to maintain the sewers, roads and winter control activities are limited when parking is allowed anywhere in the cul-de-sac.

Environmental Services

In terms of waste collection, the additional requested parking spaces make it difficult for the trucks to turn around. It would cause the waste collection vehicles to make a 3 or 4 point turn instead of simply following the road around the cul-de-sac. This type of turning always adds more risk in terms of property damage.

In terms of street sweeping, any additional parking spaces significantly reduces the City’s ability to provide the Council mandated service level (3 sweeps per year). We are unable to give residents advance notice of the cleaning schedule, and therefore if cars are parked on the street when we go by, we simply have to go around them and the street is only partially serviced. Due to the configuration of a cul-de-sac, it would not be possible to sweep the majority of the area if there are cars parked in the area described.

Windsor Rescue (WFRS) Fire and Services

WFRS has concerns with this application as parking is typically not permitted within the radius of a cul-de-sac as it restricts fire apparatus from providing a safe and effective response and exit. It land locks the trucks as they cannot turn around and are forced to back out. Once a truck is hooked to a hydrant and pumping it cannot be moved. In order for fire apparatus to utilize the turn around we need full access as the radius for making the turn is required from curb to curb. The bucket on the aerial truck kicks out from the rear when turning as it overhangs the apparatus, therefore any vehicles parked would obstruct our turn. Further the turn around point is not a full radius on Melbourne Road, it is cut short on the north side.

WFRS’ recommendation as with any other cul-de-sac is to restrict parking before the turn around from the last driveway on the south side through the radius and to the first driveway on the north side.