All requests shall be made directly to City Engineer or designate by either (a) personal visit; (b) letter, or e-mail; or (c) telephone. No consideration will be given to requests for assistance by the City unless the foregoing requirements have been fully met.


The City will endeavour to render service immediately or as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, the servicing personnel will attend upon the premises within twenty-four hours of receipt of the request being received by City Engineer or designate.


The applicant shall sign the agreement form, presented on the premises by the servicing personnel, binding the applicant to the terms of the policy and guaranteeing any payments therein required.


The applicant or occupant shall direct the servicing personnel to the clean-out. The clean-out must be accessible and suitable for the employment of the equipment used by the servicing personnel.


In the event that the connection is unserviceable,

(a) The servicing personnel will so advise the occupant, indicating the specific deficiency which prevents servicing.

(b) The applicant will thereupon indicate on the form,

  1. If the applicant desires the City to arrange for correction of the deficiency at the expense of the applicant, or
  2. If the applicant will arrange for correction of the deficiency by the applicant.

(c) The servicing personnel will advise the City Engineer or designate of the deficiency.

Upon such confirmation, the connection will be ineligible for further or future servicing by the City. (Under certain conditions repair may be mandatory by law).

Deleted & replaced B/L 106-2008, June 17, 2008

(d) When the deficiency is corrected by either (b)(i) or (ii) above, the applicant shall notify the City of the correction, and the Chief Building Official AND City Engineer or designate will declare the connection “Serviceable” and it will again be eligible for servicing as before. Deleted & replaced B/L 106-2008, June 17, 2008

(e) This “Sewer Connection Servicing & Replacement Policy” is applicable only where the applicant’s statement of account with the City is in Good Standing.


Upon completion of the servicing, the servicing personnel will present the report to the applicant or occupant who shall sign same verifying the services rendered and nature of blockage found.


  1. The City will assume the cost of clearing a blockage caused by tree roots providing the connection is not over one hundred (100) feet in length. When the cause of the blockage appears to be partially by tree roots, private drain connections that are collapsed or partially some other foreign article, the cause will be deemed to be tree roots. Furthermore, this will be extended to replacement of connections from decommissioned septic tanks from the house/building to the appropriate main sewer.
  2. The applicant will assume the cost of clearing a blockage occasioned by any cause other than tree roots, such cost being set out in the City’s Schedule of Fees, as updated from time to time.
  3. In the event that a connection is found to be unserviceable as in 5 (c) above, the applicant shall pay the inspection fee then current. Future service under the provisions of 5 (d) will be subject to the provisions of (a) or (b) above.