The City will provide a sewer replacement rebate for a complete sewer replacement calculated as follows:

1. Where there is a fronting Public Sewer that can be used in a complete sewer replacement, the City will provide a rebate being the lesser of the following:

(i) The amount set out in the City’s User Fee Schedule. It is the intention of this provision that the City’s Schedule of Fees will be the relevant rate,

(ii) Fifty Per Cent (50%) of the total cost of the complete replacement,

(iii) The unit cost (being the total cost divided by the total length) multiplied by the length of the replacement on the public highway.

1A. Despite the provisions of section 1, where there is a fronting Public Sewer that can be used in a complete sewer replacement, the City will provide a sewer replacement rebate of 50% under the following conditions:

1B. Notwithstanding the conditions outlined in Part B, Section 1A, a rebate may be granted at that discretion of the City Engineer or designate

Added B/L 165-2014, September 8, 2014

2. Where there is no fronting Public Sewer that can be used in a complete sewer replacement for the property being serviced and the City, in its discretion, determines it is not in its interest to build a fronting sewer under the local improvement provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the rebate will be the greater of one of the following amounts:

(a) the dollar value calculated from the following formula:

City Grant = AC – [CC + ELIP]

AC = The actual cost to replace the complete private sewer connection from the dwelling to the municipalsewer

CC = The calculated cost to replace the private sewer connection to the centre line of the abuttingright-of-way

ELIP = The current Equivalent Local Improvement Charge for the Property being serviced, calculated by applying the Local Improvement Frontage Charge, set by Council from time to time, for the year the private sewer connection is being replaced, and/or an equivalent Sewerage Fee having been made for the service being applied for;


(b) The amount as set by Council for Sewer Replacement Rebate.

These calculations to be based on field measurements. The depth of the assumed fronting public sewer is to be established by the depth of the servicing sewer, and the cost to be established by current prices.

3. A sewer replacement rebate is not available, if a sewer connection was constructed to the property line under a local improvement project, or other development within the previous 20 years.