Actual cost of replacement- means the costs paid by the City to a third party to replace a sewer connection for an Owner.

Complete Sewer Replacement – includes a private drain connection, extending from the municipal sewer to 3 feet (1.0 metres) within the dwelling, and may also include a private drain connection from a septic system to the municipal sewer system. A complete Sewer replacement does not include a repair to an existing connection.

Development – for the purposes of this bylaw, development shall mean works done under a Local Improvement project, a Capital Works project undertaken by the City of Windsor, road and/or sewer rehabilitation project undertaken by the City of Windsor, works done under a servicing and/or development agreement with the City or similar actions taken by the City of Windsor to provide a property with an acceptable sanitary private drain connection on the public right-of-way.

Good Standing – the property owner(s) tax account payments are up-to-date, there are no outstanding fees and the tax account is not subject to any form of sanction, suspension or payment plans.

Owner’s cost of replacement -means the actual cost of replacement less the City’s contribution.

Partial Sewer Replacement – includes a private sewer connection from a dwelling to a known private drain connection on the right-of-way, at the lot line provided by the City under a Local Improvement or other development and is deemed suitable by the City Engineer or designate for use. A partial Sewer replacement includes connecting existing septic systems to a private drain connection provided for such purpose. A partial Sewer Replacement does not include a repair to an existing connection.

Private Sewer Connection –"Private sewer connection" is that part of a sewer system which connects private property to a municipal sewer system and includes the following: the tee or tap into the municipal sewer, the entire pipe from the municipal sewer to 3 feet (1.0 metres) inside the building, the cleanout tee fitting, the riser, and the cap / cover or sampling manhole with frame and cover.

Prime Rate- means the prime rate established by the City Treasurer from time to time.

Registration Costs- means cost of registering any agreements required herein.

Servicing Personnel- means City representative.

Sewer Replacement Rebate – applies to residential properties ONLY having a maximum of 2 units, and does not include vacant land, commercial, industrial, institutional or combined use buildings.

Unserviceable – a connection is deemed unserviceable for any of the following reasons;

  1. three service calls within a 24-month period;
  2. lack of proper cleanout
  3. if the CITY ENGINEER, OR CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL OR THEIR DESIGNATE, and the owner mutually agree that the connection is inadequate due to age, size, or physical condition thereof;
  4. if the connection leads to a septic system and a corresponding public sewer is available;
  5. if the equipment of the servicing personnel becomes broken or lodged within the private drain connection.

User Fee Schedule – As approved by Windsor City Council, a schedule of fees and charges, forming part of By-law 392-2002, The Fees and Charges By-law, as amended from time to time.