Part 12 - Offences & Enforcement

12.1 If this By-law is contravened, the City Engineer may make an Order requiring the Contravener to correct the contravention.

12.2 Failure to comply with an Order may result in the Corporation correcting the contravention, and the costs of the correction as well as any applicable fees under the City’s User Fee Schedule will be added to the property tax roll of the Contravener and will be collected in the same manner as property taxes.

12.3 Every Person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding the maximum fine from time to time prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.33, as amended, or any legislation passed in succession thereto.

12.4 This By-law shall be administered and enforced by the City Engineer.