10.7 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit, that the work site be attended and supervised at all times.

10.8 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit that the work within the highway be inspected by the City Engineer at specified times.

10.9 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit that flagmen, uniformed police officer, and/or traffic warning devices be provided by the Permit Holder.

10.10 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit, that barricades, platforms or other structures be erected by the Permit Holder, for the protection of the public.

10.11 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit, compliance with any other condition as in his or her opinion is reasonably necessary for the protection of the public safety and right to travel along a highway.

10.12 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit, that construction drawings of the proposed works be submitted prior to the issuance of a Permit and/or as-constructed drawings be submitted prior to the return of security deposit(s) in accordance with Section 10.2.

10.13 The City Engineer may, without notice, revoke any Permit if the work, for whatever reason, constitutes a danger, in the opinion of the City Engineer.

10.14 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the work authorized by the Permit is conducted in a manner only as approved by the City Engineer.

10.15 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the work authorized by the Permit is conducted only at a date and time as authorized by the Permit.

10.16 The Permit Holder shall ensure that notification is given to all required utilities prior to the commencement of the work authorized by the Permit.

10.17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the highway and existing Infrastructure are protected within the construction zone.

10.18 The City Engineer may require, as a condition to a Permit, the payment of costs for outstanding sewerage fees and, or, contributions directly associated with the works authorized by the said Permit.

10.19 A Permit is not transferable.

Part 11 - General Exception

11.1 The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to works undertaken by the

Corporation, or by any agents or contractors employed by or engaged by the

Corporation, acting under the direction of the City Engineer.