9.3 Every Person issued a Permit under this part, shall, forty-eight (48) hours before commencing movement for which the Permit is issued, give notice to the departments, companies, agencies and Utility companies as set out in the Permit, indicating the route to be traveled and the time of commencement of such the movement.

Part 10 - General Permit Requirements

10.1 In all instances, application for a Permit shall be accompanied by:

  1. The Permit fee for the category of Permit, and any other applicable fees as set out in the most current schedule of fees as approved by By-law 392-2002, The Fees & Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time; and
  2. Such security or deposit, in an amount calculated by the City Engineer, based upon his or her estimate of the cost which will be incurred to reinstate the highway and for other services provided by the Corporation; and
  3. A stamped, reviewed Traffic Protection Plan from the City Engineer if road or sidewalk closures are required.
  4. Proof of General Liability Insurance in the legal name of the applicant naming The Corporation of the City of Windsor as an additional insured, with limits of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence of bodily injury including death, Personal injury and property damage or such other higher amounts as determined by the City, for the entire duration of the Permit.

Proof of the insurance shall be in form satisfactory to the City and approved prior to the commencement of any work or activity being performed and the coverage provided by any policy required under this subsection will not be changed or amended in any way to the detriment of the Corporation, nor cancelled, by the Permit Holder until thirty (30) days after written notice has been sent by registered mail of such change or cancellation to the City

10.2 The City Engineer, in his/her sole discretion, may require that the applicant provide additional documentation to support the Permit application, including but not limited to, demonstrating notification to required stakeholders as indicated on the stamped review Traffic Protection Plan, work schedule, grading plan and legal survey.

10.3 Upon satisfactory completion of the work that is:

  1. subject to the Permit, and
  2. following a maintenance period of one year, or other time period as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer,

the amount of the security or deposit, which exceeds any costs incurred by the Corporation related to restoration of any highway related to work that is subject of the Permit, will be returned to the Permit Holder.

10.4 The Permit shall be valid until the date is expires, as outlined on the Permit. To extend the granted permission, the Permit Holder must request that a new Permit be issued, that the original Permit be closed, and that the security or deposit be returned.

10.5 A Utility that completes work on an emergency basis must apply for a Permit in accordance with the terms of their Municipal Access Agreement.

10.6 Every Permit Holder shall, forty-eight (48) hours before commencing the works for which the Permit is issued, give notice to the departments, companies, agencies and Utility companies as set out in the Permit, indicating the area of the works and the time the works shall be undertaken.

A Permit may be revoked by the City Engineer and the indemnity fee forfeited to the City, if the work is incomplete after the Permit expiry date and a Permit has not been renewed.