
(2) The owner shall maintain the Driveway Approach(es) and Leadwalk(s) with a paved surface, constructed flush to the boulevard grade, without raised curbs, or trip hazards and Drive Approach(es) shall be placed with straight line flares to match the width of the curb cut unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.

(3) The owner shall ensure clear open passage of water through the culvert so as to not impede the flow of water.

Part 6 - Private Sewer Connection / Private Water Connection

6.1 No Person shall, repair, construct or install a private sewer connection/private water connection upon any highway, attach a private sewer connection/private water connection to a municipal sewer or waterline, as the case may be, or alter or modify a municipal sewer or waterline located within any highway within the City of Windsor without having first obtained a Permit from the CityEngineer.

6.2 Should a private sewer connection fail or become in a state of disrepair and is therefore causing any Infrastructure to fail or become in a state of disrepair, the City Engineer can issue an order for its repair, including the repair of Infrastructure, and the costs for said repairs will be collected in accordance with Section 12.2.

6.3 Section 5.2 to 5.7 inclusive, of this By-law; apply with necessary modifications to a Permit issued under this part.

Part 7 - Sampling Manholes

7.1 No Person shall install sampling manholes on any highway pursuant to the Corporation's Sewer Use By-law, as may be amended from time to time, without first obtaining a Permit for the installation of such sampling manholes from the City Engineer.

7.2 Any Person seeking a Permit from the City Engineer for the purposes of installing sampling manhole(s) on any highway within the City of Windsor shall apply to the City Engineer in the form and manner established by the City Engineer from time to time.

Part 8 - Discharge of Oil and other Contaminants from Vehicles onto Highway

8.1 No Person shall park any portion of a vehicle on any highway where such vehicle is leaking any fluid, including but not limited to, oil or gasoline, but not including water from the vehicle's air conditioning unit.

8.2 Where a vehicle parked in contravention of subsection 8.1 of this By-law leaks any fluid onto any portion of any highway, the owner of the vehicle shall cause the fluid to be cleaned up to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

8.3 If the owner of the vehicle fails to comply with subsection 8.2, the Corporation may, in addition to any other available remedies, undertake the removal of the vehicle from the highway and/or clean the fluid, at the vehicle owner’s expense.

9.1 No Person shall move a vehicle, load, object, or structure in excess of the weight limits or dimensional limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended, over any highway in the City of Windsor without a Permit issued under this part.

9.2 Every Person seeking a Permit under this part shall provide a written description and drawing of the proposed route of travel to the City Engineer as part of the application and upon request, shall provide a scale drawing of the vehicle illustrating the number of, and dimensions between each axle, and specifying the

9.1 No Person shall move a vehicle, load, object, or structure in excess of the weight limits or dimensional limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended, over any highway in the City of Windsor without a Permit issued under this part.

9.2 Every Person seeking a Permit under this part shall provide a written description and drawing of the proposed route of travel to the City Engineer as part of the application and upon request, shall provide a scale drawing of the vehicle illustrating the number of, and dimensions between each axle, and specifying the loading on each axle.