4.8 The holder of a Permit issued under this part shall keep any hoarding, fence or barricade, covered, in a neat and tidy condition, free of signs, posters or advertising material, and if constructed of lumber, shall be neatly painted.

4.9 Where the construction is carried out on a building or structure located within 4.5 meters of the highway, and a Permit has been issued under this part, the Permit Holder shall also comply with the requirements provided in Ontario Regulation 213/91, as amended from time to time, issued under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 01, as amended.

4.10 The holder of a Permit issued under this part shall forthwith upon the expiration or termination of, or upon completion of the construction operations upon the land subject to the Permit (whichever date occurs first), at the Permit Holder's own expense and without notice so to do, remove from the highway all fences, barricades, hoarding, covered-ways, building materials, machinery and apparatus and restore the highway to the condition it was in before the same was placed thereon, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Part 5 - Breaking up of Highway

5.1 No Person shall, for any purpose whatever, break up or remove any earth or portion of the material of any highway or construct anything at all upon any highway within the City of Windsor without having first obtained a Permit from the City Engineer.

5.2 Any Person seeking a Permit from the City Engineer for the purposes of breaking up or removing any portion of the material of any highway within the City of Windsor shall apply to the City Engineer in the form and manner established by the City Engineer from time to time.

5.3 A Permit issued under this part shall indicate the portion of the highway, which may be broken up or removed, the time or times during which it may be occupied by the Permit holder and shall be subject to cancellation at any time, without notice, at the discretion of the City Engineer

5.4 Every Person breaking up or removing any portion of the material of any highway within the City of Windsor under the authority of a Permit shall:

  1. exercise all possible precaution against injury to Persons or property resulting from such work; and
  2. leave no trenches, pits, holes or excavations uncovered, without providing sufficient protection at all times; and
  3. install, erect and provide barricades, signs, traffic cones, flashers, lights, plates, warning and other devices, materials and Personnel in accordance with the provisions of the "Ontario Traffic Manual - Book 7, Temporary Conditions", issued by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, as amended from time to time.

5.5 No Permit issued under this part shall authorize or be deemed to authorize, expressly or impliedly, the placing of any materials or the doing of any act, matter or thing that will obstruct the free passage of water in drains, gutters, ditches or watercourses on any highway.

5.6 A Permit issued under this part may allow occupation, break-up and/or removalof a part of a highway for one continuous period of time or may be only for a portion of each day during which the Permit is in effect, but if the Permit is granted for a portion of each day only, this fact shall not affect the scale of fees payable for the Permit.

5.7 Any Person performing any work under the authority of a Permit issued underthis part shall restore the highway in accordance with the Corporation's Standard Specifications for such work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

5.8 (1) Every owner shall maintain their Driveway Approach(es), Culvert(s) and Leadwalk(s) to their property so as not to cause injury to Persons or damage to