a) such Person is the owner or occupant of lands adjoining such highway or is the authorized agent of such Person and provides evidence of such satisfactory to the City Engineer; and

b) the owner or occupant of lands adjoining such highway or the authorized agent of such Person is the holder of a valid Permit issued by the City Engineer.

3.2 Every Person who makes application for a Permit to use a portion of a highway under the provisions of this part shall make application to the City Engineer, on the form and in the manner specified from time to time and such application shall be accompanied by the General Permit Requirements and such information as required by the City Engineer.

3.3 A Permit issued under this part shall indicate the portion of the highway which may be occupied, the time or times during which it may be so occupied, the applicable terms and conditions of such occupation, the General Permit Requirements and shall be subject to cancellation at any time, without notice, at the discretion of the City Engineer.

Part 4 - Long Term Use of Highway

4.1 No Person shall use any portion of any highway during construction operations for the erection of hoarding, or for the operation of overhead cranes· or booms, for longer than 24 hours, unless:

4.2 Every Person who makes application for a Permit to use a portion of a highway under the provisions of this part shall make application to the City Engineer, on the form and in the manner specified from time to time and such application shall be accompanied by the General Permit Requirements and such information as required by the City Engineer.

4.3 A Permit issued under this part shall indicate the portion of the highway which may be occupied, the time or times during which it may be so occupied, the applicable terms and conditions of such occupation, the General Permit Requirements and shall be subject to cancellation at any time, without notice, at the discretion of the City Engineer.

4.4 In no event shall a Permit issued under this part authorize the occupation of any portion of a highway beyond the limits of the frontage of the lands upon which construction operations take place, as projected, unless the Owner and/or Occupant of the land abutting such portion of the highway consents, in writing, in a form and manner specified by the City Engineer from time to time, to the issue of a Permit for such enlarged occupation and waives all claims against the Corporation for damages arising directly or indirectly from such extended occupation.

4.5 No Permit issued under this part shall authorize or be deemed to authorize, expressly or impliedly, the placing of any materials or the doing of any act, matter or thing that will obstruct the free passage of water in drains, gutters, ditches or watercourses on any highway.

4.6 A Permit issued under this part may allow occupation of a part of a highway for one continuous period of time or may be only for a portion of each day during which the Permit is in effect, but if the Permit is granted for a portion of each day only, this fact shall not affect the scale of fees payable for the Permit.

4.7 In all cases where material or hoarding have been placed on a portion of a highway under the authority of a Permit issued under this part, the holder of a Permit shall, if such material or hoarding is on a highway between dusk and dawn, place and maintain on the material or hoarding a number and type of warning lights and barricades as specified by the City Engineer, to warn the public of the obstruction.