Open houses have been hosted at both the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (2015) and the Little River Pollution Control Plant (2016). Over 250 individuals toured the facilities. Tours are provided as requested at both wastewater treatment facilities.

A toilet on wheels has also been constructed to help educate residents on the issues around ‘Flushable’ Wipes. This toilet is used at public events such as Earth Day and the Children’s Water Festival. In 2016, ERCA also used the toilet in their Earth Day road show. Additional advertising about the hazards of ‘Flushable’ Wipes have also been developed including ads in the Activity Guide, brochures and signage for public washrooms at City facilities.

In 2016, the City of Windsor launched theF.O.G. Cups (Fat, Oil and Grease Cups) to educate to residents proper disposal ofF.O.G. The cups have been distributed at various public events and as requested. Cups may also be delivered to areas in the City were fat blockages have been a problem.
Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change staff have also developed programsto provide in schools to educate students on wastewater and climate change.

10. Targeted Educationtowards homeowners 2013 - $200,000(for smoke testing) Completed 694 km of sewers have been smoke testedunder eleven tenders. These tests have