Mitigation and Adaptation Fundprojects.
9. Undertake Public Education on Sewer Use, Waste Water Treatment

2011 - $12,0002012 - $15,000

Environmental Master Plan Operating Budgets


The main goal of this action is to help ensure that the sewers are operating under their design capacity. Improper use of the sewer system (i.e. disposal of materials not intended in a sewer) can decrease capacity along the sewer by creating blockages or contribute to pump failures at pump stations. Educating residents that toilets are not garbage cans is one way to help reduce these issues in the sewers.

In 2011, the City of Windsor partnered with EWSWA to design an EnviroTips ‘It’s all Connected’ to help educate residents that toilets are not garbage cans and the impact of flushing materials in the toilet.

In 2012 a video “Wastewater: Where Does It Go?” was developed in collaboration with the Detroit River Canadian Clean-Up. The video educates about the City’s sewer system (sanitary, storm and combined) and the wastewater treatment system. The video also tries to encourage individuals to take small actions (like downspout disconnection) to help alleviate flooding issues. The video has over 485,475 views between the City of Windsor and DRCC YouTube channels. The DVD has also been distributed as requested.

Pollution Control is continuously looking for ways to enhance the public’s understanding of how the sewer and waste water treatment system works (i.e. additional marketing materials, public open house).

The sewer use master plan is also looking at public education and engagement to increase the understanding of how the sewer system works and what actions may be required to enhance the resiliency of the system.