Enhance the use of social media to educate residents on how to mitigate risks of basement flooding.

with suspected cross-

2015 - $20,000

connections to

(replacement of

sanitary sewer

clean-out caps as

identified in the

smoke testing)

Capital Budget and

Flooding Report


11. Use Social Media and



other Communication

tools to warn public

of Risk of Basement


12. Enhanced

Maintenance &

Inspection of roads

and sidewalks during

Residents with broken clean-out caps as identified through the smoke testing received new private drain clean-out caps. YouTube videos have been created to help raise awareness of how to mitigate basement flooding in the City (i.e. Downspout disconnection). Social media should be used to continue the educational awareness of the City’s sewer system. In the long run, social media can also be used to notify residents of possible flooding risks and to take immediate action to avoid losses (similar to flooding advisories issued by ERCA). However, in order to provide advisories, there needs to be better understanding of how the system reacts under storm conditions. The current flow monitoring and stormwater master plan will help develop criteria of how to use social media to notify residents of possible adverse effects on the sewer system.

Enhance the use of social media to educate residents on how to mitigate risks of basement flooding.

Due to the freeze thaw cycles over the past few winters, deterioration of the roads has lead to a higher number of potholes. In response and to maintain a level of service The extreme temperature flux is causing roads and sidewalks to succumb to frost heave and heat stress, shortening the life span of identified more broken clean outs than actual cross-connections. Broken cleanouts allow for infiltration into the sewer.

The entire City except combined sewers in the core and over/under sections are completed. Nothing further to be tested at this time.