Greening Transit

Replacement of fossil fuel powered transit buses with electric alternative. This would drastically improve the emissions profile of the transit fleet and ensure that transit trips have minimal emissions per kilometre, regardless of ridership on a specific route.

Solar installations

The CEP outlines a target of 90 MW of solar electricity generation for Windsor. By meeting this target emissions from electricity generation can be reduced. Solar thermal systems, which generate heat from the sun’s energy should be integrated with district energy systems to reduce emissions from thermal energy generation.

Local Food Initiative

Windsor is ideally located for the growth and harvest of common vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, and salad greens which are a staple in most diets. A local food initiative would work to establish a network of community gardens located within walking distance of major population centers in the city. Providing residents with fresh vegetables grown locally has many benefits including reduced transport emissions, improved resident health and increasing pollinators which are vital in a healthy ecosystem.

Another local food measure could be to offer fruit trees as part of the city tree program. Fruit trees provide the standard benefits of deciduous trees including shading and water retention with the added benefit of edible fruits which reduce transport emissions.

Section 2: Climate Change Adaptation

The History of Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the City of Windsor

On November 8th, 2010 Windsor City Council approved participation in ICLEI Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CR408/2010) which provided a straightforward methodology to adaptation planning. This initiative resulted in the development and approval of the City’s 2012 Adaptation Plan (M498/2012).

This plan created a vision to create a more resilient city to the effects of a changing climate. This first adaptation plan focused on the impacts of increasing precipitation and extreme heat and outlined 22 actions to reduce risk.

In 2018, Windsor had the opportunity to build upon the success of the 2012 Climate Change Adaptation Plan through participation in ICLEI’s Adaptation Changemakers project. The Adaptation Changemakers project was funded through FCM’s Climate Adaptation Partner Grants. This project provided an opportunity to update the City’s vulnerability and risk assessments under a Changing Climate, identify impacts not considered in the 2012 plan, and assess additional actions to reduce risk. This project