also included a focus on the Community. A Community Task Force was created to undertake a similar process as the Corporate Departments to identify community vulnerability and risks to a changing climate and discuss appropriate community driven actions to reduce such risk. This plan was tabled at the Environmental, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee on November 20, 2019 for public comment.

Planning for Extreme Heat in Windsor

In 2009, Health Canada approached the City of Windsor about participating in a pilot project that would see four communities develop Heat Alert and Response Plans. The City of Windsor, along with community partners (ex. Windsor Essex County Health Unit, County of Essex, Red Cross, etc.) launched the Stay Cool Windsor Heat Alert and Response plan in 2011.

The close partnership created through this initiative resulted supporting the development of several other studies including:

in Health Canada

Windsor’s Actions to Date

The 2012 Climate Change Adaptation Plan outlined 22 actions to reduce the risk of increasing precipitation and temperatures. The status of the 22 actions are included in Appendix B.

Actions have not been limited to the actions proposed in the 2012 plan. The following are additional actions supporting Climate Change Adaptation.

Climate Resilient Home

A City-owned home was retrofitted as a pilot demonstration house to help educate residents on available lot-level resiliency actions to reduce risk for flooding. The retrofit included the completion of the basement flooding subsidy program (sump pump with overflow, backwater valve, downspout disconnection) and the installation of a rain garden and infiltration trench. YouTube videos were created documenting the installation and purpose of the flood risk reduction measures.